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Eligibility & Forms


Athletic Forms

Cedar Springs athletic department uses a data management system called FinalForms for all athletic forms. FinalForms saves student data from sport-to-sport, club-to-club, year-to-year, eliminating paperwork. Parents/athletes will need to register for an account to get started.  After that, you will need to log in to update, verify and sign forms once per year, or as often as your information changes.

Once the account is created, you will also get communication on all sports information (summer workouts, fall sports, tryouts, etc.):

  • Create an account on FinalForms
  • If you have an account, be sure to update all information needed
  • Schedule a physical for your student (must be dated after 4/15/22)
  • Upload the physical to their FinalForms Account
  • Student-athlete information must be uploaded into FinalForms to be able to participate in fall sports. 

If you have questions, reach out to our athletic department at 616-696-9080.

Create a FinalForms Account

Physical Form

MHSAA pre-participation sports physical is required for all students who participate in sports. A physical examination must be completed on or after April 15, 2024 to be considered a valid physical for 2024-2025.

MHSAA Physical Form


Cedar Springs Public Schools prohibits unlawful sex discrimination, including harassment and retaliation, in any of its education programs or activities in accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and corresponding implementing regulations. 

Cedar Springs Title IX Information


Being a member of a Cedar Springs Public School Athletic Team is both an honor and a privilege. We hope you will enjoy your time in practice and on the playing field and that the experiences you have will serve you well.

The rules outlined in the Cedar Springs Public Schools handbook, include the athletic code of conduct and athletic penalties are intended as a guide to being a successful athlete.

As a student athlete, you are expected to understand and abide by these rules which have been adopted by the Cedar Springs Public Schools Board of Education. If you have any questions, it is important you meet with your school’s athletic director before continuing, to clarify your understanding of the expectations of Cedar Springs Public Schools. 

Download the 23-24 Athletic Handbook

Eligibility Information